Treks & Expeditions
Here's a list of the treks and expeditions that we currently have to offer. We have curated a special list of activities which caters to the need of a beginner, or an experienced climber.
Mt. UT Kangri is the perfect option if you're looking to climb a peak in Ladakh.
Standing tall at 6,030m, it’s accessible for enthusiast mountaineers or experienced trekkers looking to start their mountaineering journey, who are looking to take on 6,000 meters peaks at the beginning of their experience.
Mt. Friendship, also called Friendship Peak, is a mountain summit in Manali town of Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh, India on an altitude of 5,287 metres (17,346 ft) above sea level.
Perfect for someone looking for their first expedition.
P6270 and P6250
The twin peaks of P6270 & P6250 are located behind the Kiager Tso, opposite the Kiager Ri and Spangnak Ri. These two lesser-known peaks offer you a chance to do not one but two peaks higher than 6250m in a single attempt.
The approach is non-technical so it's beginner friendly. The views from the summit are impressive giving us panoramic views of the 6000ers surrounding the Tso Moriri region.
The unparalleled magnificence of this peak is unmatched by its other counterparts across Ladakh. Situated opposite the serene Tso Moriri lake, the Mentok range lies above 6,100m and is a popular peak among climbers looking to test their skills.
The Mentok range offers Mentok 1, 2 and Mentok 3, all above 6,100m. We offer a climb to Mentok 2 and a traverse to Mentok 1 if the conditions are favourable.
Kyagar (Kiagar / Kiager) Ri
Kyagar (Kiagar / Kiager) Ri is one of the friendliest peaks for beginners wanting to do their first 6,000m peak. It stands tall at 6,100m and lies opposite the Kyagar Tso, tucked between the lake and Spangnak Ri.
It offers stunning views of the Chalung range, Lungsher and Chamser Kangri and the entire Tso Moriri region. Behind Kyagar Ri lies the Tso Kar and even the Pologongka peak can be seen on a clear day.
Peak 6080
Peak 6080 is an unnamed 6080m peak which is tucked away in the ranges lying between Chumathang and Tso Kar. This was Ninja's first 6,000m peak and it holds a special place as such.
The non-popularity of this peak makes it the perfect climb for people looking to climb away from the crowds and for people wanting to be all by themselves on a 6000m peak.

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